About me

Hi! My name is Clara and for 15 years I have dedicated myself to accompany people in their process of self-knowledge and self-healing.

I was born in Mallorca, I studied Fine Arts in Barcelona and Naturopathy (specializing in body therapies) in Berlin, where I lived for 11 years. After working as a massage therapist and reflexologist, I felt that I was missing something. And so I discovered the Grinberg Method, which was a before and after in my life. It helped me to complement my work from body awareness, to take responsibility for my well-being, to know another way to relate to fear and pain, to question my beliefs, to become aware of the power of breathing and learn to stop the reactions from the past. These are very powerful tools that I transmit today during individual sessions.

At the same time I learned with Katharina Felice with her method “Stimenergetics” to work with the voice in an organic way. Over the years I have been exploring healing work with sound, both with instruments and with and the voice. Little by little I have been understanding that from the frequencies and songs I have the facility or the gift of being able to enter in states of expanded consciousness, which allow me to connect with the soul of the person.

In Colombia my children were born and I had the opportunity to get to know the use of ancestral medicines and indigenous traditions, full of wisdom, that have inspired me deeply.

I currently live and work in Mallorca and I am still learning. In recent years I have been able to enrich and expand my therapeutic approach through the systemic rituals and family constellations.